
MAP Incorporation Certificate
Car Stops History
Community Bus Inventory [PDF]
Bylaws [PDF]
Purposes of Moving Around Pender Alternative Transportation Society [docx]
Letter of Agreement between The Ministry of Transportation & Highways (MOTH) and The Islands Trust (IT) [PDF]
Designated Route on South Pender [doc]
Shared Roadways [PDF]
Bus Pilot Project, Final Report, 2018 [PDF]
Bus Post-Pilot Survey, 2019 [PDF]

Previous Minutes

Bus, Post-Pilot Survey, February 17, 2019

It is interesting to note that while the majority of respondents felt the bus was a worthwhile amenity, it didn't actually translate into them using the bus themselves. The level of support for tax support was surprisingly high, though review of the comments makes it clear that those opposed hold their position strongly.

Whether you missed the survey or just have more to add, please feel free to comment below or join us at a meeting or two!

Dear Pender Community Bus (Bussanova) supporters,

Moving Around Pender has been operating the Community Bus for the last 2 years as a pilot project. The pilot project terminates at the end of this month (Dec 31st, 2018) and the MAP Bus Team has decided to stop the regularly scheduled bus service at least for a few months. The Bus will still be available for charters.

Above are links to the detailed final report and the Post-Pilot survey.

The main reasons behind the decision are the lack of a sustainable financial model to run the bus and volunteer fatigue. The Bus was purchased with funds from CRD but the operations have been based largely on volunteer drivers and organizers and small grants and donations from community organizations, businesses and individuals. The Bus Team will now take a much deserved rest to thoroughly evaluate the statistics and seek feedback from the users and residents of Pender.

While the outcome hasn't been fully determined at this time, we hope to resume limited service in the Spring with the potential to ramp up to 3 or 4 days/wk during the summer months as we have done for the last 2 years. However this resumption will be dependent on successful applications for funding currently being submitted and ultimately a more sustainable model of service delivery.

We would like to thank everyone that has supported the bus to date (there are too many to list here) and we hope that many of you will participate in our survey so that we can take those responses into account. Details about the survey will be available in the January Pender Post.

Penducky Derby Reborn June 25, 2018

June 24, 2018 marked the revival of the Penducky Derby, where a crowd got to watch and cheer on their ducks as they raced from the bridge to Mortimer Spit. For further details and pictures etc. please visit Penduckyderby.ca Posted by Niall P. Filed in Events.
