We held our Annual General Meeting on Dec. 5 via Zoom. A special thanks to our guest speaker Louisa Hadley of the Galiano Conservancy, her…
Electric Vehicles on Pender
Interested in electric vehicles ? Checkout this ! Lots of interesting discussion both online and raised at our Aug. 29 event at the hall. Comments…
Bussa Nova not operating this summer
We have decided that it is impractical to run the community bus this year, given the requirements for physical distancing to minimize CoVID transmission as…
Survey of route from Magic Lake to School
A survey to confirm the property boundaries along the south side of Schooner Way between the ball diamond and the market at Medicine Beach was…
Community Bus post-pilot survey results
Thank you to everyone who participated in our community survey in January, results have been summarized here. It is interesting to note that while the…
BussaNova Pilot ending Dec. 31/2018
Dear Pender Community Bus (Bussanova) supporters. Moving Around Pender has been operating the Community Bus for the last 2 ½ years as a pilot project….
Penducky Derby Reborn
June 24, 2018 marked the revival of the Penducky Derby, where a crowd got to watch and cheer on their ducks as they raced from…
MAP AGM 2017 report
The MAP AGM was held Nov. 25 at the Community Hall where Lisa Baile treated us to an inspiring slide show of their recent trip…
More Carstops !
A few more car stops have been approved, here’s the latest Also available as pdf