Society Legalese

The Moving Around Pender Alternative Transportation Society was incorporated August 29, 2008 (Certificate of Incorporation)


  1. The name of the society is the Moving Around Pender Alternative Transportation Society
  2. The purposes of the society are:
    1. To provide and support integrated, safe, environmentally friendly ways of moving around the Penders including: walking, biking, ride sharing and public transit;
    2. To address issues associated with increasing population and visitor use of the Islands, environmental problems including climate change and social concerns including health and safety by providing a community forum for exploring transportation alternatives to the dominant use of the car; and
    3. To develop a network of like-minded and mutually supportive individuals and groups interested in alternative transportation throughout the Gulf Islands.

Updated bylaws for the new Societies Act in November 2017.

Founding Directors

  1. Margot Venton
  2. Niall Parker
  3. Barry Mathias
  4. Don Williams
  5. Don Harrison
  6. Don Peden
  7. David Reed
  8. Michael Sketch

2 thoughts on “Society Legalese”

  1. I am interested in volunteering with the MAP group. I am a full time resident working from home as a transportation planner. I have over 30 years experience and specialisms in active transportation, demand management, wayfinding and behaviour change. Is there an intake process? Thank you

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