The Moving Around Pender Alternative Transportation Society was incorporated August 29, 2008 (Certificate of Incorporation)
- The name of the society is the Moving Around Pender Alternative Transportation Society
- The purposes of the society are:
- To provide and support integrated, safe, environmentally friendly ways of moving around the Penders including: walking, biking, ride sharing and public transit;
- To address issues associated with increasing population and visitor use of the Islands, environmental problems including climate change and social concerns including health and safety by providing a community forum for exploring transportation alternatives to the dominant use of the car; and
- To develop a network of like-minded and mutually supportive individuals and groups interested in alternative transportation throughout the Gulf Islands.
Updated bylaws for the new Societies Act in November 2017.
Founding Directors
- Margot Venton
- Niall Parker
- Barry Mathias
- Don Williams
- Don Harrison
- Don Peden
- David Reed
- Michael Sketch
I am interested in volunteering with the MAP group. I am a full time resident working from home as a transportation planner. I have over 30 years experience and specialisms in active transportation, demand management, wayfinding and behaviour change. Is there an intake process? Thank you
Great ! next meeting Saturday Sept. 2 at community hall, 10 am. I’ve added you to general list.